Update from the President

Dear players and members,

Having taken some time to consider my position I’m currently not seeking re-nomination as president for next year.

I still need to work out what involvement (if any) I have with the club but my President race is run.

The club is in a good place, but as with all clubs it still needs a lot of work, and therefore needs someone that is invested 100%, and that’s something I can’t give anymore. Me staying on does the club and the people I love a disservice. It needs and deserves someone that can do that, and can use their own network to help it grow on and off the field.

We’ve done a lot this year and all of it the right thing to do. But it’s taken a lot out of me. Balancing work, family and family health this year, something unfortunately has to give.

I love this club and the people involved with it. It’s why I got involved in the first place. It’s special and has so much untapped potential, and it deserves the best and most invested leadership it can get.

Up the Warriors,



Any nominations for President should be received by email to Kristian.purdie@gmail.com by August 31st.

Subsequent to that, nominees will then be required to submit a strategy and vision document to support their nomination by 21st September, which will then be distributed to club membership.

This will allow for a clear understanding of where the club is at and where it is going, and allow club members to be able to make an informed decision on the next president at the AGM to be held on Wednesday, October 18th.

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